STEM Explorer

by apptEDUde


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STEM Explorer™ is the only single app to teach science, maths and related subjects, for children aged 5-9, that is tied to the Australian curriculum. It's a free, safe holiday activity shown to minimise holiday learning loss.Join our heroes on their adventure around Australia as they solve mathematics and science challenges together in their hunt for the scattered parts of Stempy’s spaceship.
Free, fun app for primary school studentsScience, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) focusEight types of games that are linked to a single story line questAnalytics dashboards for parents and teachersCurriculum linked lesson planning for teachersSTEM Explorer™ is powered by a machine learning algorithm called Cognission Engine™ to optimise and deliver personalised content and feedback.
Single learning app for multiple subjects with hours of gameplayPersonalised learning where questions are tailored to each childRewards effort and persistenceAligned to individual Australian curriculum learning objectivesPeer, team and family-based learning8 new advanced game mechanics
Children remain engaged with their learning app for longer time periodsPrevents holiday learning lossProven to give students a headstartSchool ready in term 1Prepares children for NAPLAN
The science behind the app:
Most games use a ‘drill and kill’ approach to deliver blocks of questions aligned to a specific category, such as multiplication, but STEM Explorer™ mixes up the questions in an approach designed to boost learning. The technique is called interleaving and scientific studies have shown it can have long-lasting effects particularly for subjects like maths(1).
Interleaving is just one component of the Cogniss platform and the technology is based on neuroplasticity: the brain's ability to adapt and change in response to new experiences. Other core features of the smart engine include its ability to ‘know’ when to serve more challenging questions based on the user providing faster and more accurate answers. Tailoring the timing and types of questions to suit individual learners, and ensuring any feedback they get has a sound psychological basis all help to deepen understanding, foster engagement and maximise long-term knowledge retention.